Eat the rainbow
We, as a nation, are getting more and more interested in reducing meat in favour of veg. And with a growing appetite (literally) for vegetarian and vegan cuisine, the places you can enjoy filling your plate (and your face) with plants is on the increase. To get you started, we’ve looked at five hero veggie ingredients, along with some delicious dishes at Victoria Leeds where you can try them at their best.
Yes to yellow
Sweetcorn: delicious when served fresh, this bright vegetable can count towards your five-a-day and is great for those friendly bacteria in your digestive system. Don’t just stick to corn on the cob, though. Try it sprinkled in spicy jackfruit tacos, or toasted as a snack with a cool beer. Try this: Mushroom Udon, Issho (below)
Out-and-out orange
Butternut squash is one of the most versatile veg around. Chopped and roasted, it makes a sweet and substantial addition to salads or atop pizzas, or as part of a breakfast hash with eggs and the still-trendy avocado. Boiled and laced with butter, butternut makes delicious mash for roast dinners or to top cottage or shepherd’s pies. It’s also used as a base for chilli and curry, and is wonderful stirred through creamy pasta. And, of course, the place where squash comes into its own is in soups – a chilled spicy gazpacho-style is perfect for summer. Try this: Vegan cauliflower and butternut coconut curry, Le Pain Quotidien
Purple palate
This is the year that Middle Eastern cuisine is going mainstream, so there’s never been a better time to try it. Aubergines are a great way to do this as they’re widely used in dishes all over the region, whether simply chargrilled in a salad or forming the basis of a delightfully smoky baba ganoush dip – ideal for pairing with flatbread. Middle Eastern cuisine not tickling those taste buds? Not a problem! Thanks to the aubergine’s versatility, it regularly features on menus across the globe – from Japan to Portugal. Try this: Hummus and crisp breads with aubergine caviar, Cau (below)
Red and ripe
While we know tomatoes are nothing new, they are at their absolute best at this time of year. Don’t just think of typical British salad tomatoes either, although they are sweet and delicious when very ripe. There are plentiful varieties to choose from, such as large beefsteak tomatoes (perfect on veggie burgers). Or plum and cherry tomatoes – ideal for adding refreshing bite to salads and for making into punchy sauces. Bolognese and ragu, we’re looking at you. Try this: Chilli sin carne, Le Pain Quotidien (below)